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Game Name : Colossal Cave
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-21 03:42:14
Views : 23779

Cheat :
1. Enter building. Get keys and lamp. The lamp appears here should you have to be reincarnated.
2. Unlock gate (with key). Get cage.
3. Try the magic word, XYZZY. Try it again. Get rod.
4. Drop rod. Get bird. Get rod.
5. Wave rod. Drop rod. Go get diamonds and gold.
6. Release bird. Drop cage. Grab coins and silver. Note: Dwarves are lousy shots, but sometimes, unfortunately, they can get lucky. Carry the ax, as you may encounter up to five of these critters.
7. Try the magic word PLUGH also. Drop silver, gold nugget, diamonds, jewelry, and coins. If you haven't already, you will soon encounter a thieving pirate. Not to worry, he's got to rob you at least once if you're to win all the marbles.
8. Carrying food, ax, bottle of water, key (all for later) and lantern, visit the software den (Microsoft Version only). Don't mess with anything--Software types are a weird lot. Get magic word LWPI. Works only from here.
9. Water plant twice. Get water for the second pass at the waterfall.
10. Attack dragon. Yes. Get rug.
11. Get oil (in now empty bottle). Climb the plant.
12. Oil door. Open door. Drop bottle. While here and while carrying golden eggs, enter FEE, FIE, FOE, FOO, one word at a time. Check your inventory. Go back to where you first found the eggs.
13. Throw eggs (to troll). Cross bridge before the FEE, FIE, whatever.
14. Feed bear. Unlock chain (with key). Get golden chain. Drop key. Get bear. Don't forget the rare spices. At volcano view, read and remember the words of fire.
15. Release bear. Don't try crossing the bridge with him on the chain.
16. Open oyster (with trident). Pearl will roll down into the cul-de-sac.
17. Insert coin to get a replacement battery for your lamp, if necessary. Coins are a treasure, however, and you won't ge them back, so try beating the game with the original batteries only.
18. Never drop vase unless you have already dropped the pillow.
19. Drop everything in order to enter. Get emerald.
20. Say PLOVER. Get pyramid. PLOVER, PLUGH and pi-tooie!
21. You must traverse the maze to get Pirate's Treasure Chest, which doesn't appear until he's robbed you. Return via the Pit and XYZZY. Drop all treasures in the House.
22. Drop magazine in Witt's End for a point. Get out by entering all different directions except north. It may take a while. Slog around in various and distant locations until a voice announces that the cave is now closed. At this point you are teleported to the two-room Master's Game.
23. Get black rod (with the rusty marks, not the star). Drop rod in the northeast room. Retreat to the southwest room. Type blast. Alternate endings are possible, but will not yield sufficient points to earn you the rank of adventure grandmaster.

Treasure List
What -- Where
Golden Eggs -- Giant Room
Trident -- Magnificent Canyon
Pearl -- Clam Room
Pirate's Chest -- Pirate's Maze
Platinum -- Pyramid Dark Room
Emerald -- Plover Room
Ming Vase (and Pillow) -- Oriental Room
Rare Spices -- Chamber of Boulders
Persian Rug -- Dragon's Den
Golden Chain -- Bear's Chamber
Diamonds -- West Side of Fissure
Jewelry -- South Side Chamber
Gold Nugget -- Gold Room
Silver Bars -- North-South Passage
Coins -- West Side Chamber

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